Should people with lymphedema stop using salt?
Is it safe for people with lymphedema to use salt?
Everywhere in todays media, we are warned against the evils of too much salt in our diets. In all the lymphedemaonline support groups, you'll find the same dire warnings that we should avoid it as a poison. On one website we are even warned that lymphedema people report increased swelling when they eat a lot of salt (some things really are self evident).
But, what is the truth? Where in the midst of all this negative portrayals of salt is the truth?
As I reformed salt junkie, I can remember the time when I even would salt ham and pizza. My motto was a little food with my salt. It really never seemed to bother me until a couple years ago. My blood pressure has always been super good, not even a hint of any cardiovascular problems associated with salt and even my blood tests showed a normal amount of salt in my blood, despite the horrendous amount I ate. Also,however, blood Sodium does not indicate what we are ingesting or the sodium we are concerned about unless we get too little or far too much. The kidneys keep the blood sodium constant within narrow limits, and they do it by dumping all surplus sodium into the urine. That is why a blood test tells you nothing about your sodium intake except that you are getting enough. [4]
A couple years though, I did start noticing a weight gain after I consumed much of it. Surprisingly, I did a complete reversal and now rarely add salt to my food. After awhile, I even found some food too salty to eat - like that pizza.
From my understanding though, the reality lies somewhere between over indulgence of salt and abstaining from it.
Surprisingly, it does play a vital role in our health and recently studies have shown that too little salt can bring as many problems as too much.
Additional Information:
What is Salt
Daily Salt Requirements
Benefits of Salt
Complications of too much Salt
and more